Available, FREE resources just for you

I know how hard it can be to find valuable, professional information out there. It is true that you can google anything, but personal insights can be hard to find because they depend on each one's journey and experiences, and not everyone is willing to freely share them.
I come from a place where information was not always available, and that is why I value this page so much. I want to share information that I know can help you as a customer, as a fellow artist or even as a friend. - Bruna Silva


Décor guides & tips

How to choose wall art that's the right size for your space

A free guide filled with valuable, professional information about choosing the right sized wall art for any space. Click here to access it.

For artists & art enthusiasts

All the important topics that might help you

5 things that helped me find my artistic process

A blog post where I discuss 5 things that have been crucial in my artistic journey. This is a must read for artists who might be struggling with finding their voice or their painting process. Click here to read it!